And these examples We set forth to mankind, but not will understand them except those of knowledge.
And so We propound these parables unto man: but none can grasp their innermost meaning save those who [of Us] are awar
As for these similitudes, We coin them for mankind, but none will grasp their meaning save the wise
And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge
These are the parables We set forth for humanity, but none will understand them except the people of knowledge.
Such examples We offer to people, but only those with knowledge will grasp their meaning.
Such are the comparisons We make for people, but only those understand them who have knowledge
And (as for) these examples, We set them forth for men, and none understand them but the learned
And We propound these parables for humanity. And no one is reasonable among them but the ones who know.
These are parables We make up for mankind, though only the learned will use their [powers of] reason.
And these examples We put them forward for people, but none will grasp them except those who have knowledge.
These are the parables; We set them forth for mankind. But none understand them, save those who know
We present such parables to people, but only those with knowledge can comprehend them.
These examples—We put them forward to the people; but none grasps them except the learned
And these similitudes, We put forward for mankind; and does not understand them fully except the possessors of knowledge
These are the parables that We cite for mankind; but none will grasp them except the wise
And those similitudes, We strike them for mankind, and in no way does anyone consider them except the knowledgeable (people)
These are parables which We tell to human being, but only the learned ones understand them
We site these examples for people, but no one understands them except the knowledgeable ones
And so We cite examples for mankind, but men of Science will make best use of their intellect. ('Aalim = Scientist. (30:22-23), (35:27-28))
We quote the examples for the people. Only those with knowledge understand them
And stories (with guidance) like these, We bring out for mankind, but only those who have knowledge understand them (the stories)
And these examples We present to the people, but none will understand them except those of knowledge
Such are the examples We put forth for the people, but none comprehend except the knowledgeable.
Such are the comparisons We draw for people, though only the wise can grasp them
And these similtudes! We propound them for mankind; and none understand them save men of knowledge
These are precepts of wisdom We offer to men, but only those who are rational understand
Such metaphors — We devise them for mankind; but only those with knowledge understand them.
Those parables – We strike them for people (so that they may see the truth and mend their ways). But none reasons to understand (their true meaning and purpose) save the knowledgeable
And We draw these parables for mankind; but no one grasps them except those who have knowledge
As for these similitudes (parables), We have coined for mankind, but none will understand them, save the wise
And these are examples, We give them for people, and none understand them except the knowledgeable.
And these are the parables We set forth for humanity, but only those with knowledge understand them
We give people such examples, and the knowledgeable understand them.
These are the parables that We set forth to make people understand. But only those endowed with knowledge will comprehend them
Such are the examples We put forth for the people, but none comprehend except the knowledgeable
And We give these examples for mankind. And none, but the knowledgeable, understandh them
And these examples We narrate to the people, and none understand them but the learned.
We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable.
And We strike these parables for the people, but none understands except the knowledgeable
And these parables, We set them forth for men, and none understand them but the learned
And those are the examples/proverbs, We give it to the people and none understands/comprehends it except the knowing
I (God) cite these examples to make the people wake up; but only those who have [earned the faculty of] knowledge understands them
And We illustrate these examples for mankind; and none except the knowledgeable understand them
And these are similitudes which WE set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge
And these are the examples We explain for the people (to understand), and none understands them except those who have knowledge
These are the (various) situations which We set forth for the (benefit of) mankind, yet, except for the learned, nobody tries to grasp them
And these similitudes We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allah and His Signs, etc.)
And those similitudes -- We strike them for the people, but none understands them save those who know
These similitudes do We propound unto men: But none understand them, except the wise
These are parables which we have struck out for men; but none will understand them, save those who know
These similitudes do we set forth to men: and none understand them except the wise
Such are the comparisons we make for the instruction of people; but none will grasp their meaning save those that have knowledge
And these are the parables which We set for the mankind and no one understands them except those who possess knowledge.
These parables which We set forth (in the Qur’an) for mankind, none can grasp their intended meaning except for those who have the spiritual gift of wisdom and knowledge.
And these are the likenesses We coin for people, and only those with knowledge understand them.
Such are the parables We present for humanity, but only those with wisdom will understand them.
And such parables We set forth for mankind, but none grasps them except the learned.
These are parables We make up for mankind, though only the learned will use their [powers of] reason.
And these examples, We cite them for the people; and none reason them except the knowers.
Such are the comparisons We draw for people's benefit, but none will grasp their meaning except the people of knowledge.
Thus We emphasize these examples to people! But none can duly evaluate them with their intellect other than those of knowledge!
And such are the parables We set forth for mankind, but none understand them but the learned (ones)
Such parables do We discourse to people -that they might hopefully ponder-. Such examples and illustrations are only grasped with the minds of those who know the facts and apprehend them with their senses
And those similitude’s, We sent forth for mankind, but none understand them except those who are learned.
And those, the similitudes, We strike them for mankind, and none will understand them except those who know.
And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge
And these examples We set forth to mankind, but not will understand them except those of knowledge
Watilka al-amthalu nadribuha lilnnasi wama yaAAqiluha illa alAAalimoona
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